Information About Mouth Guards

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Do I need a mouth guard?
For those who play sports, mouth guards are usually recommended. A mouth guard can be beneficial while playing any sport but are especially important for contact sports like football, boxing, and hockey. A mouth guard can help protect the teeth, jaws, and soft tissues from injury during sport.

What types of mouth guards are available?
The three main types of mouth guards are:

– Stock mouth guards
– Boil-and-bite mouth guards
– Custom-made mouth guards

The first two types can be found in most sporting goods stores. However, custom-made mouth guards, which offer the most protection, must be obtained from your dentist or orthodontist.

How do I take care of my mouth guard?
Our team stresses the importance of cleaning your mouth guard. After use, gently brush your mouth guard with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Be sure to store your mouth guard in its case. To keep your mouth guard from melting or losing its proper shape, keep it out of the sun or hot water.

When should I replace my mouth guard?
When your mouth guard begins to show signs of wear, it is time to replace it. A mouth guard that no longer fits properly also needs to be replaced.

If you would like more information about wearing a mouth guard, and to schedule your next appointment at Familia Dental in one of our locations, call (833) 225-0853 today.